Sunday, November 30, 2008

12 Hours in Tokyo

On Saturday Mom, R and I traveled by Shinkansen (bullet train) to Tokyo for a 12 Hour tour. Our first stop was the worlds largest seafood market, Tsukiji Market.
Our next stop was Ueno Park park. The most interesting thing in the park was a line(mass) of people waiting to receive food from a charity. Below is an unusually shaped temple in the park.
Our third stop was the Tokyo National Museum located in Ueno park. We visited the Japanese galleries of the permanent collection.

Our fourth stop was the Imperial Palace, the guidebooks recommended the East Gardens of the palace, but I wasn't that impressed, I like the Higashiyama Botanical Garden better.

Our final stop was Shibuya, with the specific intent of seeing the Shibuya Crossing which is 'Immortalized' in the movie Lost In Translation. I cannot take credit for this amazing photo of Shibuya Crossing.

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