Sunday, November 2, 2008

Catch it Yourself Restaurant

Today was going away party 2 of 3 that I have been invited to for K. The last party was at a DIY BBQ restaurant (, today's event was at a chain restaurant where you catch your own food.
Tables are arranged next to 'streams' running throughout the restaurant. The lower tables have windows to block splash when other groups catch a fish.

We were provided with shrimp bait and a fishing rod.

The bait was drooped in the water and we tried to catch a tai, our desired fish, out of the 5 types priced roughly $5~25 swimming near our table.

Netting up the catch... be sent away with the waiter to be done in our choice cooking styles.

1 comment:

Lindsay-Jean said...

Not at all like what I was imagining!! Hope you caught one of the 'good' ones!