Sunday, April 5, 2009

Haru Ichiban 春一番

Friday A introduced me to the term Haru Ichiban which describes the first warm wind of the year that will bring spring. She tells me that this week we had Haru Ichiban, but I am more inclined to believe that this wind actually blew in Nagoya around February 12th this year. With Haru Ichiban came what felt like a false start to Spring it was warm for a few days but then reverted back to being cold until late this week. From here on out I am counting on it feeling like Spring with temperatures forecasted in the upper 60s for the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Lindsay-Jean said...

Totally agree. The typhoon that came through the Nagano area on February 13th brought 50+ degree temps with it the next day, making snowshoeing a tad more difficult!