Saturday, February 7, 2009

Random Recycling

I'm not sure how, but I got it into my head that I needed to recycle all the end bits of the candles that I have been burning, to get rid of the tatami mat smell in my apartment, into a new candle. I wish I had photos of the precess because it took some silly experimentation. Not knowing where to find candle wick I tried burning bits of a few potential substitutes and settled in twine. Next, melted the remnants I was trying to recycle in a old glass food jar set in a pot of simmering water and strained out all of the old wick holders. I tied the twine to a drinking straw and coated it in the melted wax to stiffen it enough to hold a straight position in my new candle. I weighted the wick using one of the old wick holders and held the top in position by placing the straw on the rim of the new candle container. I poured the melted wax into the container and around the wick and ended up with a usable, but slightly funny colored recycled candle.


1 comment:

Kathy said...

very good recyling. Seeing your coffee table reminded me, Pottery Barn has two similar models in their most recent catalog.