Friday, March 20, 2009

100 Yen Stores

I fell like it is almost too much of cliche to bog about, but 100円 shops are a big deal in Japan. To clarify, 100 yen is equal to 1 USD depending on the exchange rate so these stores are comparable to a dollar store at home. The difference I have found is the everyone here goes to the 100円 shop, I cant remember the last time I was in a dollar store. Some things I have purchased at the 100円 shop that I wouldn't have expected to find are, metal cooking pans that fit in the fish broiler, a wooden rolling pin, stationary, terracotta flower pots, Oreo cookies, dishes...


CC said...

Funny you posted this today...Last night on the Tonight Show Jay had a whole segment about all the great stuff you can find at the 99 Cent store!

It was pretty funny, there was an extension cord that had no plug on it, a toy angel riding a rhino and a crucifix with "Betty Boop" written on the back.

Kevin said...

Hey, that's my Daiso! howdy neighbour. :)