Saturday, January 15, 2011

Late Start

I got a late start this afternoon because I was having my hair color corrected this morning.  I had it done on Thursday and the color was a little bold / red for my taste, but it is good now.

Since I didn't get to the basement until the evening I didn't want to anger my neighbors my nailing so I decided to tackle cleaning the other half of the basement so I have space to use the table saw and my Christmas tree isn't getting covered in sawdust.
After I got tired of cleaning I started playing with this tool my uncle let me borrow.  Basically you point the laser at a surface and it reports the temperature.
Turns out that behind the insulation in the corner there was frost on the plywood, so I need want to get some foam insulation to fill the area.
Taking a break with my favorite construction snack, sweet potato fries.

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