Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wandering Around

This afternoon, I took a much anticipated trip back to my old neighborhood.  First stop, Harvest Hills, my old apartment building. I lived in the third floor middle apartment, the tree is almost as tall as the balcony now. The tiny garage looks the same.
From the apartment I walked over to the grocery store, Valor. Honestly, it didn't make sense to pick up souvenir snacks and drag than back to Toyota City on the hour long subway/train ride, but I did it anyway for old time sake. Next on my tour I wanted to get green tea soft serve, but the place I had in mind was closed (or has been changed to another business?) so I continued on to Heiwa Park.
Pretty as I was walking up the steps to this monument it started to rain so rather than continuing on to Daiso I went back to the hotel.  One of the things I disliked about my stay in Japan was getting wet all the time...walking into work with wet shoes and my pant legs soaked up to the knees really irritated me.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see your visit and that you can go back to old neighborhood - what fun : Weather here jas been outstanding and every day sunny and just warm enought to enjoy each day: Miss you but I am thinking you are really enjoying visit - work but still can see Japan. Love Gram

Kathy said...

rain rain go away