Saturday, June 6, 2009

Video Tour Part 1

So I got board driving home from work and decided I could make a video tour of my life in Japan. This part is about driving to and from the office. Excuse the bugs on the window and the shakiness of the videos, I was concentrating more on my driving than on holding the camera steady.

Clip 1: Listening to War and Peace on the way to work as I enter the toll road, Sanage Green Road.
Clip 2: On the way home from work driving through the nearly 2km tunnel along Sanage Green Road.
Clip 3: Entering a more urban area about 4km from my apartment
Clip 4: Passing through Kamiyoshiro Interchange
Clip 5: My neighborhood


ThatBlackjack said...

Very cool! How ling did it take to get accustomed to driving on the left? I figure at some point it would seem normal to you.

Alice said...

Driving wasn't as difficult as I expected. Since the roads around me always have other cars on them it is easy to just go with the flow. Sometimes I still have to think twice about it pulling out of parking lots. The hardest part about driving here is all the pedestrians, double parked cars, and motorcycles driving between the lanes.

Alice said...

...Oh and the turn signal and wipers are switched. That was really difficult to get used to. I still occasionally hit the wipers instead of the signal out of habit when I get into a stressful spot.