Friday, June 26, 2009


It is peach season in Japan. As a side note A also tells me that it is kiwi season, but I don't understand how that is possible given that kiwi are grown in New Zealand. I think what she actually means is that it is kiwi marketing season.

The peaches in the grocery store are prohibitively expensive, today when I checked the inexpensive ones were the equivalent of $4 for a package of two and the expensive ones are about $50 for a package about the size of a large shoe box.

Fortunately, there is a little stand along the walk from my office to the parking lot that just started selling peaches.
At the stand I was able to get 5 peaches for the equivalent of $3. While they are not quite ripe yet I couldn't resist having one for breakfast this morning. It was still a little hard, but the taste was great.The most fun part of the road side stand peaches is that I suspect they came from one of the orchards, with symmetrical trees, near the office.


Kathy said...

very cool! and good price!

Kevin said...

Actually, it seems kiwi's grow quite well here.. One of my co-worker's inlaws have an orchard on the other coast, directly north of nagoya.. He was out tying them up a couple weeks ago..
However, kiwi season isn't for another couple months yet, at least..
Mekon season is my favorite though.. :)

Alice said...

Where can I find the grown in Japan Kiwis? The only ones I have ever seen at Valor say New Zealand.